Go Green With Us

At Accountability Plus, Earth Day is every day. These Green tips are sometimes referred to as simple things we can do to become greener and more sustainable. Consistently these easy to implement changes are just that, returning us to a…

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Earthquake Preparedness

There has been a lot of earthquake activity recently and still no way to precisely predict when we will experience another earthquake in our area. Therefore, this is a great time to start looking around your home and office to…

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Emotional Intelligence with Sandra Thompson

On October 4, 2023 in Santa Barbara, Accountability Plus produced a successful in-person educational program on Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the workplace, presented by TEDx speaker Sandra Thompson from the UK. Sandra, as a Goleman Emotional Intelligence coach and an…

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Tax Burden

Plan NOW For Year End Tax Planning

Are you ready for December 31? The New Year is right around the corner, and there are critical things you can be doing now to smooth the tax preparation that will soon be upon us. The best way to reduce…

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