Go Green With Us
At Accountability Plus, Earth Day is every day. These Green tips are sometimes referred to as simple things we can do to become greener and more sustainable. Consistently these easy to implement changes are just that, returning us to a simpler way of living, which is less consuming and wasteful. Below are a few examples:
- Turn off water and don’t let it run excessively
- Turn off lights when not in use
- Take your own cloth bags to the store when shopping.
- Pack lunches rather than buy food in containers at lunch time.
- Recycle anything that can be recycled.
- Reuse items that are recyclable before recycling, i.e., make scratch paper.
- Keep food refuse to give to homeless or create a compost bin for garden.
- Plant a garden from which to enjoy fresh, healthy foods.
- Drink water from something other than plastic containers.
- Carpool, bicycle, or take a bus to work if possible.